2020 Winner
Casey House
The Healing House
Bensimon Byrne / Narrative
GoldAToMiC Diversity
SilverAToMiC Engagement
SilverBest Experiential Engagement
Touch has the power to heal, yet for people living with HIV/AIDS, physical contact with others is something they are often denied. That’s because many people believe they can contract HIV through touch – which is simply not true.
To dispel the myth, provoke conversation, and demonstrate how an HIV-positive person’s touch has the power to heal rather than be threatening, Toronto-based HIV/AIDS hospital Casey House, Bensimon Byrne and Narrative created “Healing House,” a wellness spa where all massage therapists were HIV-positive.
The team worked with the RMT from the Toronto Blue Jays to train 18 HIV-positive volunteers (called “Healers”) to perform neck, back and shoulder massages on visitors to the spa. “Healing House” opened to the media (of which 60 journalists booked a massage) and to the public during World AIDS Day.
The execution stoked fear, shock and hate but that was part of the plan. It spurred questions from people online, which the team leveraged to share facts about a disease that’s still largely misunderstood.
With a media budget of $30,000, “Healing House” amassed a media value of 11 million dollars and generated over 540 stories, 120 of them broadcast, as well as 360 million impressions. On social, the campaign generated more conversation around HIV stigma in three days than in all of 2018. Most importantly, it changed minds: 85% of participants felt more compassion for those with HIV and 77% said it changed their perception of people with the life-threatening condition.
Executive Creative Director: Joseph Bonnici
Creative Director: Gints Bruveris
Creative Director: David Mueller
Creative Director: Debbie Chan
Creative Director (Narrative): Meredith Klapowich
Creative Director (Narrative): Laura Serra
Writer: David Mueller
Writer: Matthew Valenzano
Art Director: Gints Bruveris
Art Director: Debbie Chan
Art Director (Narrative): Katherine Flores
Strategist: Kristina Kosa
Agency Producer: Daniel Rankin
Business Lead: Laura Robinson
Program Director: Ashley Belfast
Project Manager: Sadaf Ghandehari
Photographer: Matt Barnes
Studio: Westside Studios
Producer: Natalie D’Urbano
Media Director: Thomas Shadoff
Media Supervisor: Darra Naiman
Community Manager: Rebecca Milner
Creative Technology Lead: Patrick Schroen
Director of Studio Production: Sanjay Mangar
Retoucher: Alex Chung
Studio Artists: Jacquie Dudley, Matthew Szulczewski
Public Relations Agency: Narrative
Managing Director: Sarah Spence
Account Director: Lauren Baswick
Senior Account Manager: Kylee Berencsi
Media Relations: Cheryl Holmes, Jackie Kleinberg, Yolonda Abrahams, Tony Koutoulas
Account Manager: Jessica Leroux
Associate Account Manager: Katie Muekusch
Event Producers: Gigi Rabnett, Holly McDonald
Event Support: Vanessa Kissoon
Project Consultant: Jordan MacInnis
Account Coordinator: Olivia Crane
Client Team:
Chief Executive Officer: Joanne Simons
Chief Marketing Officer: Mark Trask