Entry Info

All entries must be Canadian - which means work that was conceived and created by Canadian agencies or brands, or the Canadian divisions of global agencies or brands. In the case of inter-office collaboration, work is eligible if the lead creative came from Canada, and the majority of the creative credits are Canadian team members (spanning roles including CCO, CD, art & copy).

All entries must have run in full or in part between October 12th, 2023 and November 5th, 2024. Entrants are not permitted to submit the same project from last year, unless there has been significantly new creative or strategy, which must be identified in the case study.

To enter, you must include a 500-word case summary describing your entry, including objective, insight, concept, execution and results. Ideas, collaboration and impact are areas that judges will also assess, so please include any such information relevant to your entry.

In addition, all entries must include visual evidence of the work itself, to support the written entry. Summary videos/boards are welcome, but do not remove the requirement to include the public-facing components.

Please declare if - and how - AI was used in the process of developing, creating, or executing your entry. If AI was employed, please add a brief overview of how it was used. Please also flag if AI was used to help craft/produce your case study or write your submission, and if so, please confirm that no third-party copyrights have been breached. Entries must meet Canadian advertising regulations & standards. Entries assessed as offensive to viewers will be disqualified.

At any point during our entry period, you may sign-in to your account to view and edit your entries from the Entry Dashboard.

Submission Checklist:

By the closing deadline of Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 at 11:59pm ET, you must supply:

  • A fully completed Entry Form. At any time during the entry period, you may save and return to the entry form to change/add new information, or add/edit visual elements, from your Entry Dashboard.  To edit your entry form, click “Edit” to proceed.
  • A 500-word max case summary document in PDF format. (Do not reveal the name or logo of your advertising agency/media company.)
  • A list of credits identified in the entry form. May also be uploaded separately as a PDF (but must be separate from the case summary).
  • Visual components in support of your entry. (Must include the public-facing work, but may also include summary videos and/or boards.)
  • Payment submitted online. You will be prompted to pay these fees by Visa, Mastercard or AMEX.
For registration inquiries, please contact Aarushi Sharma at aarsharma@brunico.com.
For partnership inquiries, please contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com.