Judging Process

To create an awards program that only recognizes work that’s shaking up the status quo, the AToMiC jury are experts from each facet of the industry, who know what’s truly breakthrough across Canada’s mediascape.

Entries are scored against criteria relevant to each category as outlined in the guidelines, including creativity & innovation, as well as results/impact. Two rounds of online scoring to determine the shortlist are followed by a live jury meeting to finalize Gold, Silver, & Bronze awarding. Please note there is a three gold maximum that any single campaign can be awarded.

The jury will also select the Grand Prix. This is the best from all categories, deemed to have the most AToMiC impact - raising the bar by reaching and connecting with audiences in new ways.

For registration inquiries, please contact Aarushi Sharma at aarsharma@brunico.com.
For partnership inquiries, please contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com.