All entries must be Canadian - which means work that was conceived and created by Canadian agencies or brands, or the Canadian divisions of global agencies or brands. In the case of inter-office collaboration, work is eligible if the lead creative came from Canada, and the majority of the creative credits are Canadian team members (spanning roles including CCO, CSO, CD, art & copy).
All entries must have been in-market between October 12th, 2023 and November 5th, 2024.
Categories span all aspects of the evolving media and marketing universe in Canada - advertising, media innovation, tech breakthroughs and entertainment content - so anyone can enter.
Ideas & collaboration are key to AToMiC recognition, and for more detail on what elements judges will be assessing in each category, please click here.
If you are entering a program for a non-profit, please choose Public Service from the dropdown menu when entering each category

AToMiC Audio
AToMiC Design
AToMiC Social
AToMiC Video
Best Print/Out-of-home
Niche Targeting

Brand Content
Brand Integration
(Note to case writer: For this category, please explain how your brand collaborated with existing IP to create an engaging experience)
From web series to games and beyond, transmedia programs intrigue viewers across many story realms with content that uses each channel to its utmost potential.
Who best capitalized on the opportunity to reach and build audiences with entertainment that spans multiple storytelling and experience touchpoints, with unique yet complementary iterations that spur interaction?
Demonstrate how your transmedia content strategy involved your audience across platforms.

Connected Commerce **NEW**
AToMiC Engagement
(Note to case writer: We're looking for integrated campaigns that span more than one of the following platforms: broadcast, digital, OOH, social.)
Best Broadcast Engagement
Best Digital Engagement
Best Experiential Engagement

AToMiC Collaboration
AToMiC Diversity
(Note to case writer: Also address how the communications speak to deeper organizational goals and outline any broader external program investments the brand is making to support diversity.)
AToMiC Idea
AToMiC Shift
This category celebrates the companies that went in a new direction that repositioned themselves in front of old (or new) consumers and walked away with positive results.
(Note to case writer: AToMiC Shifts should be a longer-term change of direction than a one-off stunt.)
AToMiC Sustainability
AToMiC Sustainability evaluates both the programs and the efforts behind the work to advance sustainability throughout the process, such as partnering or changing internal practices.
Cause & Action **Public Service brands are not eligible**

AToMiC Tech
Digital Brand Experience
Immersive Reality