2019 Winner


Dream Thieves



For Koho’s launch in Canada, awareness was critical. With over 50% of consumers sticking with the same bank for more than half their lives, the startup needed to get attention. The idea was to wake people up to the reality that the current banking system benefits the banks, not them. So the brand and Cossette produced a 13-minute spot called “Dream Thieves.”

The commercial-cum-film tells the (fictitious) story of how banks sneak into homes at night, literally harvesting people’s dreams.

The strategy centred around creating compelling content that people would seek out and share. To date, the video has received over 1.3 million completed views, all of which was generated with zero traditional media spend.

Agency: Cossette
Global Chief Creative Officer(s): Carlos Moreno, Peter Ignazi
Creative Director/CW: Craig McIntosh
Creative Director/AD: Jaimes Zentil
Agency Producer: Dena Thompson
Account Director: Tyler Harris
VP, Client Lead: Anabella Mandel
SVP, Director Client Services: Janis Lindenbergs
Studio Director: Raquel Mullen
Senior Production Artist: Shireen Kok
Senior Retoucher: Trevor Gauthier
Retoucher: Mark Veldhoven
Production House: Division Paris
Director: Fleur Fortuné
DOP: Matias Boucard
Executive Producer: Jules de Chateleux
Local Production House: Family Production (Kiev)
Producer: Nikita Bukowski
Editing House: Mikros-MPC
Editor: Jean-Christophe Bouzy
VFX: Mikros-MPC
Lead Motion Graphics: Jean-Yves Parent
Colourist: Magali Le´onard
Music House: Kouz
Music Performer: Matteo Locasciulli
Music Producer: Thomas Couzinier
Sound Design: Benoit Mouet

Media Agency: Cossette Media
Media Director: Luke Southern
Media Planner: Jeannie Lee

Client: KOHO
Chief Creative Officer: Jason Chaney
Content Strategist: Julia Cooper

For registration inquiries, please contact Rhea Shetty at rshetty@brunico.com.
For partnership inquiries, please contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com.