2019 Winner
Canadian Paralympic Committee
The Paralympic Network
BBDO Toronto
Grand Prix
GoldAToMiC Engagement
GoldAToMiC Social
GoldBest Broadcast Engagement
SilverAToMiC Idea
SilverAToMiC ROI
SilverBest Digital Engagement
BronzeNiche Targeting
BronzeTech Breakthrough
Ambassadors, supporters and fans formed the backbone of several AToMiC-winning campaigns carrying a single mission: to call the world’s attention to a just and noble cause.
The Grand Prix winner, the Canadian Paralympic Committee, placed world-class athletes on a mass pedestal with the help of a few thousand friends.
Paralympians are lionhearts. In the process of becoming the best of the best in their respective sport, they must overcome physical and societal adversity. Yet, their heroic achievements are often overlooked.
An unfortunate fact: only 10% of the Paralympic Games are broadcast by TV networks. So even if a person wanted to support these athletes, it wouldn’t be easy, considering the games weren’t available to watch. That’s where “The Paralympic Network” comes in.
What’s interesting about Paralympic fans is that they’re not run-of-the-mill passive supporters, they’re passionate fanatics. This observation by the organization and BBDO led to a unique campaign and channel strategy, where the team converted fans into mini broadcasters to amp up coverage of the games.
It created the “Become a Broadcaster” tool on Facebook and Twitter. Anyone using the platform could select which games they wanted to watch/broadcast to their personal networks – all in advance of the actual event. The game was then automatically live-streamed to the fan’s friends and family at the first whistle blown.
Setting up timers for content to be live-streamed was a unique idea. The commission gave people a new way to watch the underrated Games, succeeding in its mission by getting Canadians to broadcast over 22,000 events. That’s more than 990,000 video views (or 15,843 hours), which equated to an astounding 11,464% increase in viewership compared to the previous Winter Games.
Creative Agency: BBDO Toronto
Chief Creative Officer: Todd Mackie
Chief Creative Officer: Denise Rossetto
Associate Creative Director: Matt Hubbard
Associate Creative Director: Mike Schonberger
VP Head of Broadcast, Agency Producer: Beatrice Bodogh
VP Group Account Director: Rebecca Flaman
Group Account Director: Tania Montemarano
Account Coordinator: Andrea Stranges
French Agency Producer: Julie Lapre
VP, Planning: Tom Kenny
Production Company: Asymetric
Director: Kacper Larski
Line Producer: Kyle Hollett
Director of Photography: Kiel Milligan
Editiorial: Married To Giants
Offline Editor: Monica Remba
Transfer & Online: Alter Ego
Online Editor: David Whiteson
Colourist: Connor Fisher
Music House: Grayson Matthews
Engineer: Vlad Nikolic
GreatnessIsRare.ca development team:
Project Manager: Melissa Hadley
Project Manager: Jason Dick
IA/UX: Trevor Shaikin
Developer: Douglas Glover
Developer: Jeff Sacco
SVP Technology: Jeff Sangster
QA: Della Lytle
Community Manager: Scott Douglas
Analyst: Arpan Rai
Analyst: Curtis Rushing