2019 Winner

States United To Prevent Gun Violence





BronzeBest Digital Engagement

Clickvitism (supporting a cause through the click of a mouse) was a big part of the States United to Prevent Gun Violence’s strategy.

While the organization’s “Backfire” campaign used similar social broadcasting techniques to raise mass awareness, it was initially meant to pique the interest of one person: U.S. President Donald Trump.

Every 16 minutes in America, someone is shot and killed. Yet, President Trump continues to fight against gun laws. “Backfire” was created to help bring him to his senses with gun regulations, and required mass supporters for it to cause effect.

Working with Rethink, the organization collected real-time gun violence data from over 2,500 media, law enforcement, and government sources. That data was then translated into auto-tweets from Americans – including actor George Takei and Parkland survivor Lex Michael – all directed at the President’s Twitter account. Advocates can tweet daily or weekly, and the crowdsourced campaign is still driving sign-ups, spreading the reality of gun violence to Trump and the entire Twittersphere with 93,000-plus tweets and 17 million impressions, on average, per day.

Creative Director: Ian Grais, Chris Staples, Hans Thiessen
Associate Creative Director: Sean O'Connor
Art Director: Hans Thiessen
Writer: Sean O'Connor, John Eresman
Designer: Sheldon Rennie, Jake Lim, Hans Thiessen
Digital Producer: Kyle Hicks
Digital Developer: Ken Malley, Dustin Gamble
Technical Advisor: Benjamin Gradidge
Amplification Director: Leah Gregg
Amplification Strategist: Aliz Tennant
Account Director: Glen Chalcraft

For registration inquiries, please contact Rhea Shetty at rshetty@brunico.com.
For partnership inquiries, please contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com.